​As you well know, we are all facing an unprecedented challenge as the Corona Virus crisis hits all Australians. We are totally committed to addressing all aspects of the safety and wellbeing of students, school, staff and our own staff in the hope of a return to normality, sooner rather than later.
From a School Perspective
We are closely following the advice of Federal and State Governments as well as the Department of Education. If your school has not already done so, we would urge you to contact us to organise the postponement of your school photography and we will arrange an alternate date for your school in either 2nd, 3rd or 4th term. For those schools whose photography has been completed, we will continue production with a view to deliver your finished product as soon as possible. Our in-house production facility is remaining open and operational to the best of our ability, subject to Government advice.
From a Parental Perspective
All orders (both online and cash) will be processed as per our normal operation. If your school has been photographed in full, packages will be supplied upon completion of production, via your school. Please note, if your school’s photography has been postponed, your order will still be processed in readiness for the future photography date. If you have not already placed your on-line order, you may still do so at your earliest opportunity.
The School Photographer is committed to strictly adhering to both Department of Health and Department of Education and Training regarding illness, isolation and potential testing of any staff displaying symptoms of COVID-19.
We are directing all staff to self-assess, stay home and seek medical advice should they have any suspicion of a deterioration of their personal health status. A 14-day self-isolation period will be applied to any/all staff should the need arise.
At this point in time, we have had zero staff displaying symptoms and requiring COVID-19 treatment. Hopefully, it will stay that way as a result of our stringent efforts to prevent transfer amongst our team.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to ring our Customer Service team on 1300 795 850 and we will be happy to help.
Thank you for your understanding and compliance in these testing times.
Garrick Dostine
The School Photographer